(1) A large part of our trip was spent driving (though to be fair, this photo is unrepresentative since Dean drove a large portion of the way). We drove down to Santa Barbara on Tuesday and stayed with Dean's friend Chris. On Wednesday we made the dreaded drive past LA which was painful but not as painful as it could have been.
On the return trip, we got up at 4 am (!!) on Saturday to avoid the traffic and made it to Mountain View in 6.25 hours. I repeat, 6.25 hours. If you can't appreciate that number, you've never made the 8-14 hour drive.

(2) Dean, Emily and I went to the Zoo which was fabulous. Here is Emily and my Huge Gigantic Mouth. When I was a kid I got sort of sick of the zoo because I'd always have to go when we had out-of-town visitors but now it had been long enough where I hadn't visited it in awhile and it was so awesome. Have you ever seen a rainbow-butt monkey? Please make a point of doing so if not.

(3) One the coolest part of the zoo was definitely the Making Out Hippos. They are awesome. And so, so fat.

(4) We visited the house Dean's dad grew up in and suddenly the world got all wobbly. Okay, Dean just tripped and I took a photo at an opportune time, but let your mind pretend.